An exclusive S2 bike custom-crafted for DEUS Ex-Machina Lodge

SUPER73 and Deus Ex-Machina Lodge

The SUPER73 x Deus Ex-Machina Lodge custom was sparked by Ross Morton's desire to have a cleverly designed, original bike created for his crew. He met briefly with Daniel Lescot, Head of HALO Europe, and the project lined up quickly to be ready for the lodge opening this month!

The artistry flowed, and the teams worked at record pace to make sure this bike was functional and a unique complement to the space of this amazing concept hotel. Details of the Bancha green walls blend exactly with the bike and stunning coffee machine, while the orange accents were pulled from the posters, layered on a remarkable acid-dipped frame. Nailing the “damaged” paint look wasn’t easy, though. After several acid baths, the uncoated aluminum will get some seaside corrosion, making it even more beautiful.

This bike will see heavy use from the crew, so the front, side, rear, and mid racks were mounted for weighty carryage. The bike has been made single-speed, with nice anodized components. The Vee Tire Badgers will allow this rig to make extra miles on that comfortable custom-made long seat. The quilted pattern gives the bike that extra look, and the embroidery on the back makes it extra cool.