Electric Bike Maintenance

Electric Bike Maintenance

If you’re looking for something that’ll take you around the neighborhood without breaking a sweat, look no further.

Electric bikes are both efficient and convenient. They deliver everything great about a regular bicycle, along with fun and exciting added features. These motorized and electric features are what keep you riding in style. But if you don’t maintain them, you’ll get more trouble than you bargained for.

Electric bikes have all of the mechanical parts of a regular bike, with the added pleasure of an electrical motor. These interconnected parts need your attention and maintenance.

To prolong the lifespan of your electric bike, you’ll have to plan and develop your maintenance schedule. If you stick to it, you’ll be left with a bike that may even outlast you.

Before taking your bike on the road, you’ll need to ensure it’s in working order. First, assess the alignment of the wheels, and check to see if the brakes are working properly.

After you return, park your bike and store it in a clean and dry place. Make sure your kickstand is tightly secured, then leave your ebike alone so it can get some rest.

With every passing month comes the potential for something to go wrong with your ebike. Monthly checkups are essential to keeping your bike in great working condition. Always make sure your cables, tires, and handles are working correctly.

Check the wear and tear on your brake rotors or pads to prevent costly repairs. Also, do not forget to lube the chain.

How frequently you check your electric bike depends on how often you’re riding it. The kind of checkups you do over long periods can prevent massive breakdowns. When checking your electric bike twice a year, you should check the bottom bracket, inspect the crankshaft, and ensure the bolts are tight on each crank.

Are electric bikes waterproof?

Not quite.

The batteries and motors are sealed units, meaning you shouldn’t let any water in — ever. A powerful jet wash could get in delicate areas and through the bike’s seals. Never spray water directly onto your electric bike. Instead, use a damp cloth to wipe down dirt. Be careful when cleaning and use a gentle soap to remove excess grease.

Most electric bikes use components developed for assisted riding. Stronger parts are being made daily that can withstand the added forces these electric bikes produce. Regular safety checks ensure that all of the bolts are tightened to meet safety standards.

Electric bike tires are designed for durability. They can take you through many different road styles and textures. However, tires must be checked before every ride for proper inflation. Proper maintenance checks keep your bike dependable when you need it most.

Be careful not to inflate your tires too much or too little. Underinflated tires can compromise your control over the bike, while overinflated tires might burst.

Brakes are essential to keep your riding experience as safe as possible. To keep your brakes in good working order for as long as possible, you’ll want to avoid getting grease or other substances onto the pads or the disc.

Always charge your battery at room temperature in a dry location. To improve the lifespan of your battery, avoid leaving it fully charged or fully discharged for long periods. Below are some added tips for optimizing your battery’s lifespan:
  • Never store a discharged battery
  • Recharge your battery every day
  • Never expose the battery to high temperatures
  • Don’t open the battery
In addition to this, make sure to protect your battery against mechanical damage, heat, fire, and water. If your battery comes in contact with any of these hazards, you’ll risk causing an explosion.

Maintenance helps you prevent major repairs and replacements down the road. These quick and easy fixes will easily add years to the lifespan of your electric bike — without question.

This long lifespan is why Super73 aims to create a cycling experience that keeps you coming back for more. Once you’ve ridden one of our bikes up a tall hill at top speed without breaking a sweat, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t bought one sooner.

Like any bike, looking after your electric bike helps you get the most enjoyment out of it and increase the lifespan of its key components. By staying on top of some basic maintenance, your ebike will keep you riding in style without a worry in the world.

If you need parts for your ebike or are looking for the best gear to upgrade your ride, speak with one of our Super73 professionals today.